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A Local Roots Spring

It's (supposed to be) spring time in Alberta...but the snow keeps falling! I think we have almost as much snow accumulation in the last week as we had through most of the winter. And yes, "the moisture is good" and "it's only April - we usually get snow on May Long weekend", but the phrases I hear everywhere and every year at this time do not give me any more patience! I put the snow shovel and winter boots away in the furthest corner of the garage weeks ago and I refuse to dig them out again - spring fever has set in!

Despite the weather, I am overwhelmed by the excitement and positive reactions from our community since starting our new CSA Veggie Box Subscription. And don't forget the BC Fruit and locally raised beef options also! (If you are thinking about signing up, don't put it off too much longer! Subscriptions close at the end of April). So much to look forward to this summer and I am itching to get into the garden!

Tomatoes, peppers, onions, leeks, broccoli, celery, herbs and more are filling up my grow tables and the first plantings of lettuce and scallions are well on their way. It won't be long until the larger veggies are potted up so they have more room to stretch their roots and the earliest cucumber and squash seeds are tucked into pots to get a head start on the season. Packets of sweet corn are sitting on the potting table, patiently waiting for me to finish typing and a box full of direct seed veggies is sitting by the door.

But the snow just keeps we will keep on waiting and dreaming!

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